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Test Code LAB0299370 Vagintis Profile, PCR

Additional Codes

EPIC Test Code

Reporting Title

Vaginitis Profile, PCR


Real-time Polymerase Chain Reaction (RT-PCR) on the Cepheid GeneXpert DX system

Performing Laboratory

CentraCare Rice Memorial Hospital Laboratory

Specimen Requirements

Specimen Type: Vaginal Swab

Container/Tube: Xpert swab specimen collection kit (swab/G-50-US)


 Clinician Collected Vaginal Swab

1. Open the Xpert Swab Specimen collection kit.

2. Discard the large cleaning swab.

3. Open the package that contains the pink-capped Xpert Swab Transport Reagent tube and the individually wrapped collection swab. Set the tube aside before proceeding.

4. Remove the swab, taking care not to touch the tip or lay it down.  If the soft tip is touched, the swab is laid down, or the swab is dropped, use a new Xpert Swab Specimen Collection Kit.

5. Insert collection swab about 5 cm past introitus and rotate gently for 30 seconds.

6. Immediately place collection swab into Xpert Swab Transport Reagent Tube (pink cap) provided in collection kit. Snap off swab at score line so swab fits into closed tube.

7. Cap tube securely and invert the  tube 3-4 times to elute material from the swab. Avoid foaming.

8. Label the transport tube with patient label including date of collection and specimen type.

9. Transport and store swab container at 2 to 28° C within 42 days of collection.


 Do not spill the contents of the tube. If the contents of the tube are spilled, use a new collection kit.


Warning: If the contents of the tube are spilled on your skin, wash the affected area with soap and water. If the contents of the tube are splashed in your eyes, immediately flush your eyes with water.


Patient Collected Vaginal Swab

Caution: Do not expose swab to Xpert Swab Transport Reagent prior to collection.



Wash your hands before starting.

1. Open the outer peel pack (which contains the two-package kit), and identify the larger cleaning swab and discard it.

2. Open the package that contains the pink-capped Xpert Swab Transport Reagent tube and individually wrapped collection swab. Set the tube aside before beginning to collect sample.

3. Open the collection swab wrapper by peeling open the top of the wrapper.

4. Remove the swab, taking care not to touch the tip or lay it down. If the soft tip is touched, the swab is laid down, or swab is dropped, request a new collection kit.

5. Hold the swab in your hand, placing your thumb and forefinger in the middle of the swab shaft across the  score line.

6. Carefully insert the swab into your vagina about 5 cm (two inches) inside the opening of the vagina and gently rotate the swab for 10 to 30 seconds. Ensure the swab touches the wall of the vagina so that moisture is absorbed by the swab.

7. Withdraw the swab carefully and continue to hold it in your hand.

8. While holding the swab in the same hand, unscrew the pink cap from  the Xpert Swab Transport Reagent tube.  

9. Do not spill the contents of the tube.  If the contents of the tube are spilled, request a new collection kit.

Warning: If the contents of the tube are spilled on your skin, wash the affected area with soap and water. If the contents of the tube are splashed in your eyes, immediately flush your eyes with water. Notify your doctor, nurse or care-provider if irritation develops. If the contents of the tube are spilled, your test result may be invalidated. Do not take internally.

10. Immediately place the specimen collection swab into the transport reagent tube.

11. Identify the score line on the collection swab shaft. Carefully break the swab shaft against the side of the tube at the score line and discard the top portion of the swab shaft.

12. Re-cap the swab transport reagent tube and tighten the cap securely., 

13. Return the swab as instructed by your doctor, nurse, or care provider to complete the following steps.



14. Invert the tube 3-4 times to elute material from the swab. Avoid foaming.

15. Label the transport reagent tube with the patient label including date of collection and specimen type.

16. Transport and store swab container at 2-28° C (refrigeration is preferred temperature) within 42 days of collection.



Sample Rejection:

Large white swab included in Xpert Swab Specimen Collection Kit is for preparatory cleaning of the endocervix and is unacceptable for testing.  Specimens in swab transport media without a swab.  Specimen not submitted in appropriate transport container; improperly labaeled specimen; midstream urine; Cath urine, vaginal drainage, urethral swabs; insufficient volume; external contamination; specimens exceeding acceptable transport time.

Specimen Transport Temperature

Refrigerated up to 42 days

Reference Values

Bacterial Vaginosis - Negative

Candida species - Not detected

Candida glabrata/ krusei - Not detected

Trichomonas vaginalis - Not detected

Day(s) Test Set Up

Monday through Sunday on demand

CPT Coding
